Why Fate Always Supports the Narcissist

why always me


Why This always happens to me  

If you guys have ever faced narcissism or currently coping with the narcissist. Then you always wonder why this is happening to me what wrong I had done with someone that I have to face these days. How is this person who is a narcissist living the life of a king but you are with minimal enjoyment of life living like a slave of him or in a survival mode? I am also one of you guys to search for this answer I read some books but the answer which is satisfactory to me is found in Mahabharta.

In Mahabharata, it is said that we are getting hardships in life because of our karma in this life or in a past life.

I will explain it to you with a story of a Highly prowess, strongest, and highly humble human being Pitamah Bhishma. 

Pitamah Bhishma is highly educated and a responsible son of a king who sacrificed his deservedly right to handle his father's kingdom for the second marriage of his father because he loves his father very much.

He vowed to be a celibate for his whole life so that the children of his stepmother will get the kingdom rightfully.

Mahabharata is the war of demigods and devils so establish the balance of positive energy and negative energy. At this great war, Bhisma also fought with his full power he is so powerful that he kills 10000 troops of opposite parties daily. he got a boon from his Guru(Teacher) to master his own. So he can die according to his will.

But with some strategic planning of Lord Krishna and his friend Arjuna he was taken down on a bed of arrows which gives him continued pain. He desired to die after the end of this war.

One day after the end of the day in war Lord Krishna went to meet Bhisma at the bed of arrows.

Then in between talks, he asked Lord Krishna

Hey Lord of this universe I remembered this life and all my past lives. I had not done any sin that has given me this kind of continuous pain. So what karma put me in this bed of arrows

why this is happening to me

Then Lord Krishna Replied: oh mightiest in all mighty you don't remember. But in one of your past lives, you kicked an animal who fell into cactus in the support of his back. that's the same kind of pain you are facing right now.

So from this story, we can relate ourselves. Sometimes we also don't know why we are in such the worst kind of situation in our life. We compare ourselves with the narcissist but do remember that the empathy we have in our hearts is still a dream for them. When a survivor educates himself on the psychology of a narcissist and people's behavior then he starts to find a way for himself.

Always Remember that An Educated Empath Is Always The Worst NightMare for the Narcissist.

If you guys like my writing please do support and comment your thoughts as well.

Will meet you guys in the next blog. 

Be Strong and Be an Educated Empath.

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