No social gathering :
According to some official reports of WHO the coronavirus is spreading rapidly from person to person. So the American government has taken the decision that not more than 10 people in one place will gather. this is all an introvert need a person with introvert personality type doesn't want to socialize much. these types of personalities feel anxiety during the social this precaution acts well for an introvert.
Staying at home :
It is advised by the government to the society that people should stay at home as much as possible.because the speed in which the coronavirus is spreading it will totally empty the earth's population within months if not prevented. Introverts do like to stay at home alone. They are calm and want a peaceful environment to relax.
Maintaining social distance :
It is advised by the WHO to maintain a social distance from the people. There is no need to hang out with people and socialize because your smallest mistake can cause you a lifetime illness. introverts know these things they do hang-out not with people but with their books.No-contact with the humans is advised by the officials that all an introvert wants.
Lock-down :

Due to coronavirus many businesses, schools, and markets are being closed. There is calmness in the society which is all needed by an introverted personality type person. A calmful and peaceful environment is all needed by an introvert personality type these conditions are perfect for an introvert
That's it, the end of similarities. Coronavirus is a dangerous virus I hope that vaccine of this disease is discovered soon.