What Makes a Person Narcissist..?
A Narcissists survivor always has this question in his mind that how and what made this person this type of cruel and heartless. why do people become narcissists? In this blog, I am going to discuss some of the points that may be the reason for the narcissistic personality disorder.
Frustration because of no self-confidence :
Some people adopt this personality disorder because they are always jealous of others they always blame destiny because of their cause in life . they never want to adapt the changes in their life. they always wanted to see other people unhappy. they only want that they are always the greatest no should be above them.
They enjoy being a Victim:
You people had noticed sometimes that narcs always plays victim cards.According to a pyschological study it is found that somepeople enjoy the sympathy they get from others being a victim. So they always creates a virtual reality of their feelings . they also think that they are the vicitm in their mind and they confidently share those feelings to others.
Not loved in their Past:
Some researches had also found that somes narcs are not loved by their family or they have a horrible past. those types of narcsissists are not able to heal their-self which makes them a narcissists in their future. so it is always advised that you shoud heal yourself as early as possible.